MJ-5 Communications Module
This menu item displays the current IP Address. The user may change the IP Address by pushing the change/save
button and using the up/down Navigations keys to increase or decrease each digit, or use the default address of
Network Mask
This menu item displays the current address for the Network Mask. The user may change the address by following
the instructions found under IP Address.
This menu item displays the current address for the Gateway. This user may change the address by following the
instructions found under IP Address.
TCP Port
This menu item displays the DNP Communications Port number. Although the user may change the Port number
from the default of 20,000, it is NOT ADVISABLE.
DNP Version
This menu item displays the DNP Software version in use.
This menu item displays the IP Address for future network based firmware upgrades. The SL function may also be
used to establish the IP address for Slave 1 in the Master Slave Configuration.
This menu item displays the IP Address for future network based firmware upgrades. The SL function may also be
used to establish the IP address for Slave 2 in the Master Slave Configuration
VCA Mode
This menu item enables the Heartbeat feature in the Control Panel. The Heartbeat feature is activated when the
VCA mode is turned ON. On receiving heartbeat two times within 30 seconds Control will activate Auto-inhibit
and blocks automatic operation. If the Remote connection is lost, and the Control Panel does not receive another
Heartbeat, the Control Panel will disable the Auto-Inhibit and regain control through automatic regulation.
To enable the Heartbeat feature
1. Turn VMA Mode to the ON position by pressing the Change/Save button, and then pressing the Up/Down
Navigational keys to toggle between ON/OFF.
2. The user may set the timeout period (0-255) for the Heartbeat feature in the AutoInhbTout or Auto Inhibit Time
Out function found also in the Communications menu.