A31003-W1040-U101-1-7619, July 2006 DRAFT
HiPath Wireless Controller, Access Points and Convergence Software V4.0, C10/C100/C1000 User Guide
Availability, mobility, and controller functionality
Configuring Check Point event logging
ELA Log Interval
– Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) you want the system
to wait before attempting to log once there is a connection between HiPath Wireless
Controller and the Check Point gateway. The default is
ELA Retry Interval
– Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) you want the
system to wait before attempting a re-connection between HiPath Wireless Controller
and the Check Point gateway. The default is
ELA Message Queue Size
– Specifies the number of messages the log queue holds
if the HiPath Wireless Controller and the Check Point gateway become disconnected.
The default is
log entries.
SIC Name
– Specifies the Secure Internal Communication (SIC) Name, your security-
based ID.
SIC Password
– Specifies your Secure Internal Communication (SIC) password. You
can use the
button to display the password.
To save your changes, click
To create the certificate to be sent to the ELA Management Station, click
If the certificate is properly generated and the connection with the ELA Management
Station is made, the Connection Status area displays the following message:
OPSEC Connection OK
If there is an error in generating the certificate or establishing the connection, the
Connection Status area displays the following message:
OPSEC Connection Error
ELA Management Station events
The events for the ELA Management Station are grouped under Siemens and are mapped as
info events and alert events. The alerts include:
Wireless AP registration and/or authentication failed
Authentication User Request unsuccessful
RADIUS server rejected login (Access Rejected)
An unknown AP has attempted to connect. AP authentication failure.
A connection request failed to authenticate with the CM messaging server. This may
indicate port-scanning of the HiPath Wireless Controller, or a backdoor access attempt.
Unauthorized client attempting to connect