PXL Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel
- The PXL has the following 5 zone types.
General Alarm
Alarm Verified Zones
Generic Zones
Supervisory Zones
Reset Zone
General Alarm is the default setting for all zones. Alarm Verified
Zone and Generic Zone operation are described below.
Shorting-type input devices and smoke detectors are compatible
with all zone types.
Manual fire alarm stations and smoke detectors can be mixed on
zones where local codes allow.
On verified zones, the manual station reports alarms when
activated, without delay.
Alarm Verification
The Alarm Verification Feature provides the PXL with a way to verify
an alarm from area-type smoke detectors. This feature can be used
to reduce incidences of false alarms. Alarm verification is selected by
A detector supervised with Alarm Verification is turned off by the
System immediately after it reaches an alarm threshold. The detector
is verified for a length of time which must not exceed 60 seconds.
After power is restored to the device, and for the next 60 seconds, if
the detector once again reaches the alarm threshold the system will
report an alarm condition. If after 60 seconds the detector has not
alarmed, any detector which again reaches the alarm threshold will
restart the verification cycle. See Figure 24 for a graphic illustration
of the Alarm Verification Time cycle.
Use only detectors which are subjected to air velocities of less than
100 feet per minute with Alarm Verification. Under dynamic air
velocity conditions, smoke may be swept from a smoke detector
after the initial alarm. That may cause a long delay before verifica-
Do not select Alarm Verification for such applications.
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