COM-00-21-03 OCTOBER 2021
Version No.: A
Maintaining Multiple Configuration File Versions
As previously mentioned, there are three methods used to change the configuration using
1. Upload and relink: Upload a new configuration file and relink the file
(preferred) – This method uses WinSCP to transfer a new configuration file
to the radio. The old symbolic link will then need to be deleted and a new
symbolic link will need to be created to this new file as noted below.
2. Carefully edit a preexisting configuration file and relink the file – This method is a
little more involved as it will require the user to selectively edit an existing
configuration file and then delete the old symbolic link and create a new link to
the modified file. (It should be noted that syntax errors and incorrect parameter
selection and range can disable a radio.)
3. Edit the symbolic link file (which edits the linked file by default) – This method
edits the symbolic link file “ms_config.xml” which edits the linked file therefore a
new symbolic link does not need to be created.
The recommended process for managing configuration file changes is to create multiple copies
of the appropriate configuration file, giving each version a meaningful filename. A symbolic link
is then used to make the association with the standard filename and the version to be used, as
shown in the example below.
Command to show Symbolic link in Remote Station Configuration Directory:
root@Mercury:~/mercury# ls -l ms_config.xml
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Jan 6 00:28 ms_config.xml -> ms_config.xml_25k
This command shows that the symbolic link file “ms_config.xml” is linked to the configuration file
“ms_config.xml_25k”. Note that changes to bs_config.xml will change the linked file as well. If a
different config file is required, then the symbolic link needs to be changed to the new file.
Before you can change a symbolic link you must delete (or overwrite) the existing one. Thus,
the process to change from the “25k” configuration above to “25k_asym” is as follows.
A symbolic link can be overwritten using the force “-f” option (e.g. -sf
ms_config.xml_25k ms_config.xml