COM-00-21-03 OCTOBER 2021
Version No.: A
Show Symbolic link:
root@Mercury:~# cd mercury
root@Mercury:~/mercury# ls -l ms_config.xml
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Jan 6 00:28 ms_config.xml -> ms_config.xml_25k
Remove symbolic link and create new symbolic link:
root@Mercury:~/mercury# rm ms_config.xml
root@Mercury:~/mercury# ln -s ms_config.xml_25k_asym ms_config.xml
Show new Symbolic link:
root@Mercury:~/mercury# ls -l ms_config.xml
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Jan 6 00:28 ms_config.xml -> ms_config.xml_25k_asym
Coordinated Configuration File Changes
The configuration file is only read at boot time, so any changes will not take effect until the radio
reboots. However, be aware that a disconnected remote radio will go through a sanity reboot if it
fails to connect to a Base Station within a defined time, typically configured as 300 seconds.
Once configuration changes have been made in remote radios, reboot the radios to which you
do NOT have local access first. This is usually the remote radio(s) since typically backhaul
exists to the base stations at the tower site(s). However, if experiments are being conducted
from remote sites in the field, then the base station would be rebooted first.