Stabilizer Operation and User guide
version 5288-2 - 2018
Before activating the stabilizer system, ensure that:
(It is recommended that following notes are included in the boats operator manual)
Always ensure that there are no leakages, hydraulic oil level is correct and cooling pump
is running. Always check/monitor system temperature and pressure from the panel when
system is running.
You either have one or both main engines running, or an alternative hydraulic power source
(like the AC powerpack).
Always keep the stabilizer system active when running the boat in
planning or “fast” semi-planning mode - also when on calm water.
The reason for this is to perform their stabilizing function to the required level, the fins are
a large part of the boats directional and heel stability, especially at high speeds when the
boats wet surfaces and direct hull forces are reduced. If you leave the fin stabilizer system
off so the fins are left in a fixed position, this can make the boat behave differently then
expected at high speeds.
With the stabilizer system active, it will ensure that the boats behaviour is predictable and
as comfortable as possible at all times, improving comfort also on calm water.
If, due to a malfunction or other reason you are unable to run with the stabilizers active, we
strongly recommend that you run at a maximum speed where the boat is not planning so
that the boats own directional and heel stability is the dominant factor.
Reverse the boat in minimal speed if the fins are not in LOCKED
The fins should automatically center and lock if you put the boat in reverse, but if this
should not happen for some reason (hydraulic failure, reverse sensor malfunction etc.) it is
important that you only reverse the boat as slow as possible.
There are no people in the water swimming around the boat
There are no risk of the fins hitting anything, the dock, dock mooring lines or any
other submerged objects close to the boat when they start moving.
There are no people close to the actuator mechanisms.