Stabilizer Operation and User guide
version 5288-2 - 2018
Service and Maintenance
Installation Instructions MASTER MAINTENANCE
The stabilizer system is in general a low maintenance product, but as all moving parts some degree of preventive maintenance will
increase the lifetime and reliability of the system.
A chart for recommended check and service points is thereby offered at the end of this section.
For all new installations, or after a major parts change, a basic check should be done after the first 100 hours of operation or after
the first week of proper use:
Check that all hydraulic fittings are tight.
Check all hoses for chaffing, and ensure they are not in contact with any moving parts.
Inspect hydraulic cylinder rods and gland seals for damage, leaking, or scratches.
Inspect the dirt indicator on the return oil filter.
“Shake” the fins from the outside to feel if there is any play in any connection.
Open the fins manual decouple valve (at the acuator point ot allow movement) and manually move the fin fully to both sides to
feel that there is not specific tough spot in the bearings.
Every time the boat is out of the water for service or other reason, we recommend that you take this opportunity to more thorougly
check some points that is not possible when the boat is in the water. A proper cleaning and check of the fins anodes (if fitted, can
also be bonded to boats large anode system) is also appropriate during a haul out.
Axial and radial play in the shaft can also be checked at this time; see the table below that details play allowances. A dial indicator
is recommended for this procedure.
o Radial play should be checked with the indicator/micrometer positioned just below the seal housing between the top of
the fin and the underside of the hull.
o Axial play should be checked by measuring the relative distance between the top of the axle shaft and hull
plate. By using a crow bar on the twin yoke, moving and feeling the tighteness of the bearings inside the boat while measur
ing from a fixed point with a micrometer.
Because of the big variation in different vessels actual use and operation, system specifications and maintenance, it is not possible to
accurately predict the anticipated service life of the main shaft bearings. Thereby, Sleipner recommends that the bearing clearances
be checked periodically when possible so to avoid extra halout between normal service need.
The service timing indicated in the chart is based calculations and experience, but please note that because of the variations in use
and load, both due to different operation and for example different fin sizes allowed on the same actuator size, the life of bearings
and seals can be both longer and shorter than indicated by the maintenance chart.
It is recommended that a thorough inspection of the fins be performed when the vessel is lifted out of water for maintenance. Dam-
ages on the fin surface must be repaired with vinylester/epoxy done by professionals
The pressure filters require periodic element changes as per the maintenance schedule. The valves and manifolds are to be inspected
regularly for external damage. To avoid corrosion and deterioration, a water inhibitor such as WD-40 or similar should be applied to
the valves and fittings immediately after wash-down of the equipment.
*Filter replacement:
We recommend to replace pressure and return line filter elements after the initial start up and test period, and latest at 50 operating
hours. Thereafter every 2000 operating hours or every 2nd year.
Shaft Radial Play (mm)
Shaft Axial Play (mm)
SPS 65/66/67
SPS 55/90/91/92/93/94