Fault diagnosis
Table indicates which measures are to be taken if the sensor stops working.
Table Fault diagnosis
LED indicator/fault pattern /
LED indicator/fault pattern
Cause /
Measures /
Green LED does not light up /
Green LED does not light up
No voltage or voltage below
the limit values /
No voltage or voltage below
the limit values
Check the power supply,
check all electrical connecti‐
ons (cables and plug connecti‐
ons) /
Check the power supply,
check all electrical connecti‐
ons (cables and plug connecti‐
Green LED does not light up /
Green LED does not light up
Voltage interruptions /
Voltage interruptions
Ensure there is a stable power
supply without interruptions /
Ensure there is a stable power
supply without interruptions
Green LED does not light up /
Green LED does not light up
Sensor is faulty /
Sensor is faulty
If the power supply is OK, re‐
place the sensor /
If the power supply is OK, re‐
place the sensor
Green LED lights up, no output
signal when object is detec‐
ted /
Green LED lights up, no output
signal when object is detected
Test input (TI) is not connec‐
ted properly /
Test input (TI) is not connec‐
ted properly
See the note on connecting
the TI /
See the note on connecting
the TI
Yellow LED flashes; if Health is
present then take note of the
corresponding output signal; if
Alarm is present then take note
of the corresponding output
signal /
Yellow LED flashes; if Health is
present then take note of the
corresponding output signal; if
Alarm is present then take note
of the corresponding output
Sensor is still ready for opera‐
tion, but the operating conditi‐
ons are not ideal/additionally
with health output: power sup‐
ply interrupted /
Sensor is still ready for opera‐
tion, but the operating conditi‐
ons are not ideal/additionally
with health output: power sup‐
ply interrupted
Check the operating conditi‐
ons: Fully align the beam of
light (light spot) with the recei‐
ver. / Clean the optical surfa‐
ces . / Readjust the sensitivity
(potentiometer) / If the poten‐
tiometer is set to the max.
sensing range: Reduce the
distance between the sender
and the receiver, and check
against graphic H. / Check
sensing range and adjust if
necessary; see graphic H. /
With health output: Check the
power supply, check all electri‐
cal connections (cables and
plug connections). /
Check the operating conditi‐
ons: Fully align the beam of
light (light spot) with the recei‐
ver. / Clean the optical surfa‐
ces . / Readjust the sensitivity
(potentiometer) / If the poten‐
tiometer is set to the max.
sensing range: Reduce the
distance between the sender
and the receiver, and check
against graphic H. / Check
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