The example shows the calculation of the minimum distance in accordance with ISO
13855 for an orthogonal (right-angled) approach to the protective field. A different cal‐
culation may be required depending on the application and the ambient conditions
(e.g., for a protective field parallel to or at any angle to the direction of approach or an
indirect approach).
First calculate S with the following formula:
S = 2,000 mm/s × T + 8 ×(d – 14 mm)
S = minimum distance in millimeters (mm)
T = machine stopping time + response time of the protective device after
interruption in the light path in seconds (s)
d = resolution of the safety light curtain in millimeters (mm)
The reach or approach speed is already included in the formula.
If the result S is ≤ 500 mm, then use the determined value as the minimum dis‐
If the result S is > 500 mm, then recalculate S as follows:
S = 1,600 mm/s × T + 8 ×(d – 14 mm)
If the new value S is > 500 mm, then use the newly determined value as the mini‐
mum distance.
If the new value S is ≤ 500 mm, then use 500 mm.
Figure 12: Minimum distance to hazardous point for orthogonal (right-angled) approach to pro‐
tective field
Protective field height
Hazardous point
Depending on the application and distance, persons must be prevented from standing
behind the protective device.
Example calculation
Machine stopping time = 290 ms
Response time after interruption of the light path = 30 ms
Resolution of the safety light curtain = 14 mm
T = 290 ms + 30 ms = 320 ms = 0.32 s
S = 2,000
mm/s × 0.32
s + 8 × (14
mm – 14
mm) = 640 mm
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | miniTwin4
8012624/10OM/2018-08-09 | SICK
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