The following sections describe what can be specified when configuring the Ruler3000
Stream Setup
. The Ruler3000 also has a large number of parameters that are not
exposed in Stream Setup but can be configured using GenICam or GenIStream, see
Extraction region
Where on the sensor to measure and dimensions of the
3D output image.
Laser profile extraction
For how long to expose the sensor, using HDR, etc.
3D image format
How many profiles to include for each 3D image. How to
handle reflectance and scatter.
When to make a measurement.
If and how sensor data is converted to mm values.
Editing parameters
2D Image
3D Image
When you adjust the parameters, you look at the 2D or 3D image to see the result.
You can store the image to the image list in the
tab after each adjustment
and compare the images to find the best configuration. You cannot edit the parameters
while the camera is acquiring data.
Click the stop button to stop acquiring data.
In the Parameter settings section (see
, select the category the parame‐
ter belongs to).
The parameters of the selected category are displayed in the right part of the
If the parameter you want to edit is not shown, select the down-arrow to make
more parameters visible.
Always make sure that you have the right knowledge before you make any
changes, otherwise the system can work incorrectly.
Select the parameter.
A description of the parameter is shown in the lower part of the window.
Depending on the type of parameter, type or select the new value.
The new value is saved automatically when you leave the input field or press Enter
on your keyboard.
8026049//2021-04 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | Ruler3000
Subject to change without notice