Memory Object Keyboard Section
The key buttons and the white printing identify this section.
This section of buttons is used to select the 4 elements that make up the Memory Objects
(Program, Chase, Psycho and Preset). Once they've been programmed, these elements
must be entered in the Memories in order to be run.
Program button:
There are
40 Programs available
. A program can drive up to 40 units (fixtures). When the
button is pressed (red LED lit), the Multifunction Keyboard can be used to select a
program. If used in edit mode (edit LED blink and program LED lit), the key let the operator
to create or modify the desired program.
Chase button:
There are
40 Chases available
. A chase drives up to 192 dimming channels. When the
button is pressed (red LED lit), the Multifunction Keyboard can be used to select a chase.
If used in edit mode (edit LED blink and chase LED lit), the key let the operator to create or
modify the desired chase.
Psycho button:
There are
40 Psychos available
. A psycho let the dimming channels to be assigned to
the sound frequency bands (LOW; MID LOW; MID HIGH; HIGH). When the button is
pressed (red LED lit), the Multifunction Keyboard can be used to select a psycho. If used
in edit mode (edit LED blink and psycho LED lit) the key let the operator to create or
modify a psycho.
Preset button:
There are
40 Preset available
. A preset is a scene, which uses only the dimming
channels. When the button is pressed (red LED lit), the Multifunction Keyboard can be
used to select a preset. If used in edit mode (edit LED blink and preset LED lit) the key let
the operator to create or modify a desired preset.
Unit Button
Unit button:
There are
40 Units available,
each of which can contains up to 36 channels. When the
button is pressed (red LED lit), the Multifunction Keyboard can be used to select the
desired unit.
Step Button
Step button:
There are
40 steps available on each Program and Chase
. When the button is pressed
(red LED lit), the Multifunction Keyboard can be used to select a step of the current
Program or Chase.
SGM A/S · Ver. 2.03