Manual use of the Unit
A unit can be manually controlled at any time whether a Program is enabled or not. Into a
running Program, it’s possible to control only some desired fixture’s channels while the
other channels will follow the settings plotted in the program.
1. Press the button
2. Select the unit to be manually controlled. Several Units of the same type can be
grouped and controlled at the same time, by pressing and holding down the button of
the first unit and then press the buttons of the other units. The Led buttons will all flash
at the same time.
3. Set the scanner's channel as required using the faders and checking the value of the
command sent on the display of the
Scan Control Section.
To assign a shape to a unit:
Built-in programs (7 at present) which act on Pan and Tilt movement are available for each
unit. They can also be stored into a program scene, reducing in that way the time
necessary to program, and customized to fit the requirements by changing the following
- X_SCL: scale on the X axis (from 0 to 100%)
- Y_SCL: scale on the Y-axis (from 0 to 100%)
- SPEED: speed at which the effect is run (from 0 to 255)
- ROTAT: direction of movement (forward or backward)
- ANG: starting angle of the movement (from 0 to 359).
1. Select the
2. Press the right-hand scroll button till the
menu will appears on display
3. Select the desired Shape by using the fader to the Shape field
4. Set the parameters as necessary
5. Press the left-hand scroll button to move back to the unit control channels
SGM A/S · Ver. 2.03