Effect String:
allows to write the parameter’s name on top of each scann control
1. By using the up/down arrows replace the “--------------------------------------“ which
appear on display with the letters required to insert a short name describing each
fixture’s parameter. Allow 4 or 5 letters to each name for a single fader.
2. By using the up/down arrows replace the “-------” with the required letters to write
the fixture’s name.
3. Use the left/right arrows to shift to next/previous letter.
4. Use the right-hand button to move to the next LCD screen.
5. To escape the menu, push the left-hand button until
“LCD Effect Label”
on the display.
To assign the DMX channels to the parameters:
1. Scroll with the up/down arrows until
“Internal Patch”
appears on the display.
2. Press the right-hand Scroll button to enter the menu.
3. According to the fixture’s configuration, assign the DMX channel to each
parameter’s name previously written by means of
“LCD effect Label”
4. Press the left-hand Scroll button to escape the menu.
To set the “Stand by values” to each parameters:
1. Scroll with the up/down arrows until
“Stand by values”
appears on the display.
2. Press the right-hand Scroll button to enter the menu.
3. Now, set the DMX stand by values for the HTP channels. Dimmer and
shutter/strobe must be usually set to the close/blackout position.
4. Press the left-hand Scroll button to escape the menu.
To set the parameter’s type:
1. Scroll with the up/down arrows until
“Effect type”
appears on the display.
2. Press the right-hand Scroll button to enter the menu.
3. By using the up/down arrow, set here as DIMMER type, those channels to be
overall controlled by the Grand Master. Usually the Dimmer channel is set as DIMM
4. Press the left-hand Scroll button to escape the menu.
To set the Pan and Tilt channels:
1. Scroll with the up/down arrows until
“Mirror Head Patch”
appears on the display.
2. Press the right-hand Scroll button to enter the menu.
3. By using the up/down arrow, enter the Pan and Tilt channels. In case of 8-bit
control set only the “H” channel. If 16 bit is required use whether “L” and “H”
4. Press the left-hand Scroll button to escape the menu.
SGM A/S · Ver. 2.03