CONTRAST: Set display contrast for better viewing
TICK: Set normal speed of tick rate when resetting
%LEL MODE: Set to LEL display. If off readings are %V/V
100% LEL: Set the value of LEL between 4-5% methane
LEL RESOLUTION: Set reading increments on display
NEW O2: Tracks install date
N COMP: Specialized sensor compensation software
CAL DUE REMINDER: Alert system for calibration
DUE ACK: Requires operator to push a button when cal is overdue
PROPANE 100%: Requires calibration to 100% propane
N2 for O2: Requires oxygen test using N2
SHOW SES LOG: Show the session log on display
SHOW BH LOG: Show bar hole test logs on display
SHOW CF/CO LOG: Show CO and CF test logs on display
ALARM SETTINGS: Limits for alarms
LOW LED: Concentration when first LED illuminates
Continued On Next Page.