If this segment continues to flash during the test period, conditions
for a proper test were not possible. In this case any test results
are invalid. The display and printout will show N/A for the peak CF
reading. The test should be repeated.
During the test period, the detected ppm CO level will be displayed
on the left side of the screen. Simultaneously, the calculated ppm CF
reading and the calculated peak ppm CF level will be displayed on the
right side of the screen.
If the proper conditions for an accurate test existed (O2 below 18.9%),
the detected CO level, calculated CF level and the peak CF level will
remain on the display at the end of the test.
The CF readings are automatically recorded by the instrument and can
be viewed at a later date. In addition, the peak CF reading will be stored
for a printout report.
Press & release the TICK/MENU BUTTON (B) to repeat the test. Press
& release the POWER/MUTE BUTTON (A) to return to the working