If the display fails to illuminate or BAT LOW is shown on the display,
replace the batteries.
If any sensor is past the intended calibration cycle, CAL DUE will
appear during the start-up sequence. The instrument will also show
which sensor is due for calibration at that time.
During “Autozero” all sensors will be displayed with the zeroing result
(passed or failed).
If after the warm-up period, the instrument determines that a sensor is
inoperable, an ERROR message will flash for that sensor. Then FAIL will
show on the display for the corresponding sensor. Attempt to manually
zero using SAVE/ZERO BUTTON(C).
The display will indicate the type of gas used for calibration (i.e. Nat or
Pro) and the unit of measure (i.e.: LEL, PPM, % VOL) below all readings.
If PPM display is selected, the measurement auto-ranges to LEL at levels
above 2000ppm. When equipped with the optional percent volume sensor the
measurement auto-ranges at 100% LEL. The display will indicate by changing
the unit of measure below the reading to “%v/v”.