Object 0x6403 32 bit float input value
Object 0x6403
contains the net weight in technical unit in agreement with the known weight
object (floating point 32 bit format).
Cell calibration procedure for mode=1 (calibration with a known
1) Set the right mV/V sensibility on object 0x2107 subindex 3
2) Save the new value by sending the command 0xBAB0 on object 0x2104 subindex 0
3) Send the Reset command by sending command 0xABAC on object 0x2104 subindex 0
4) Put the Tare on the cell
5) Get the Tare value by sending the command 0xC2FA on object 0x2104 subindex 0
6) Enter the known weight value in technical units (kg, pounds, etc) on object 0x2108 subindex
7) Put the known weight value on the cell
8) Get the known weight by sending the command 0xC60C on object 0x2104 subindex 0
9) Save the new values by sending the command 0xBAB0 on object 0x2104 subindex 0
10) Wait 5 seconds and Switch OFF and then ON the ZC-SG
Cell calibration procedure for mode=0 (calibration without a
known weight)
1) Set the value 7 on object 0x2107 subindex 3 (use object 2108 for sense ratio)
2) Set the right mV/V sensibility on object 0x2108 subindex1 in floating point value
3) Save the new values by sending the command 0xBAB0 on object 0x2104 subindex 0
4) Send the Reset command by sending command 0xABAC on object 0x2104 subindex 0
5) Put the Tare on the cell
6) Get the Tare value by sending the command 0xC2FA on object 0x2104 subindex 0
7) Save the new values by sending the command 0xBAB0 on object 0x2104 subindex 0
8) Wait 5 seconds and Switch OFF and then ON the ZC-SG