User Manual
Doc. MI004760-E
Rev. 0
Pag. 28
Rx Address For Tx
If enabled, the radiomodem stores the full address (digipeaters and target address) of the unit from which it
received the last packet and uses these addresses to send the data received from the DTE connected to it. This
function is available only if "Address from DTE" is inactive.
Address from DTE
If active, the DTE must also provide the addressing for each transmitted packet. To do this, some bytes must be
added before of the data bytes. The bytes to add are in this order: one byte for the system code [1....255], one
byte-flag with the corresponding bits having the following scope:
bit 0 (lsb) = Broadcasting ; bit1 = ECHO ; bit
2 = ACK request ; bit3 = Diagnostic
. One Byte indicating the number of units [1 .... 9] which includes the target
and all the digipeaters used. From 0 to 8 bytes of digipeater addresses disposed in the exact sequence of use.
One Byte indicating the target address followed by the data bytes (from 1 to 1024). This function is available
only if "Rx Address For Tx" is inactive.
If enabled, the radiomodem transmits a special packet that will be received by all the radiomodem that have the
same System Code. This function is available only when the ACK is disabled.
Address to DTE
If enabled, the data downloaded to the DTE will be preceded by the address of the sender. This feature allows
the identification of the source of the message.
Baud rate:
This field is used to set the communication speed of the serial line. The admitted values are: 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 bps
By this selector it is possible enable and choose the parity type on the serial line.
Time DTX:
Defines the time between the stop of the data received from the serial line and the transmission of the radio
packet. If the packets received are incomplete you must increase this time to mask any pauses between the
bytes of the packet sent from the DTE to the radiomodem. The steps are in milliseconds
Diagnostic enab:
When enabled, the radiomodem sends before of the data and, after the address of the sender if "Address to
DTE" is enabled, the diagnostic parameters in the following format:
remote rssi
(16 bit signed integer, the first byte received is the least significant). The value is expressed in steps
of 0.0625 dbm.
remote Vbatt
(unsigned 16-bit integer, the first received byte is the least significant). This value is not available,
overlook this value.
local rssi
(16 bit signed integer, the first byte received is the least significant). The value is expressed in steps
of 0.0625 dbm.
If enabled, the radiomodem that sent a packet waits for the acknowledge from the target radiomodem. If this
response it is not received within a fixed time, the last packet is re-sent many times as set in the "Repetition"
field. The function is available only if "Broadcasting" and "Address from DTE" are inactive.