© Sealevel Systems, Inc.
SeaI/O | SL9049 11/2021
Host PC Configuration Tab, Continued
If your module is set to a different subnet, you will need to type in the IP address into the IP Address field
displayed in MaxSSD and press Enter. MaxSSD will try to open port 502 on that address. When the
connection suc
ceeds, it will display the “SeaIO Configuration” tab.
If no IP address is shown when using Ethernet modules, review the previous Hardware Configuration
section, or proceed to the Troubleshooting section at the end of this manual.
SeaI/O Configuration Tab
Once the host computer is configured correctly, the “SeaI/O Configuration” tab becomes available. Before
communicating with a SeaI/O module, the configuration utility must determine if there is an I/O module at that
slave ID address, and if so, what type of module it is. This is the purpose of the
To perform a
operation, first select the slave ID to which the module is configured. SeaI/O modules are
shipped at hardware setting 0 (labeled “ADDR” on the left side of the module) and slave ID 247 by default. All
other slave ID addresses (from 1 to 246) are available. However, each daisy chained SeaI/O module must have
a unique slave ID address - no duplicates are allowed.
Once a slave ID is selected, click the “Get SeaI/O Module Settings” button. After a short delay, the information
for that I/O module should be displayed. If no information appears, verify the slave ID, host settings, and baud
rates are correct and make changes, if necessary. Check the hardware settings (on the left side of the module)
and try again.