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Heat Dump Installation Instructions
This unit should be installed and serviced by a suitable trained person
Site the dump in a convenient location, preferably in a non-heat sensitive and
shaded location on the outside of the building. If it cannot be installed
outside, ensure that the area is free from other heat sources and is
adequately ventilated to prevent heat build up form the hot exhaust air from
the heat dump. In either situation, ensure that there is free air circulation
around the heat dump. The maximum height that the heat dump should be
above the cooler is 10 metres.
Fitting Instructions
Unpack the unit from its transportation packaging and visually inspect
for signs of damage.
Remove the wall-mounting bracket from the assembly, (mounted on lift
off hinges). Slacken the two fixing screws securing the cover/fan
assembly to the condenser matrix, swing the cover open and lift off the
With reference to drawing above, drill the surface onto which the heat
dump is to be fitted at the stated mounting hole centres ensuring that
adequate clearance is allowed around the heat dump to allow future
access for cleaning. The wall-mounting bracket can be used as a
guide for marking its hole centres. Ensure that the wall-mounting
bracket is mounted squarely to ensure level movement of the
condenser matrix when fitted.
Either mark the position of the third mounting screw at the time of
marking the wall mounting bracket position, or after fitting the wall
mounting bracket hang the condenser matrix on, close against the