• Turning off the main power switch on the left side of the main unit during injection of a sample, that is, when
the rack LED is flashing, might stop the needle while it is in a lower position. With the needle in a lower position,
pulling out the sample rack might cause the needle to become bent.
Post-Analysis Procedures
Rinse the Flow Line
CAUTION: Potential System Damage. After analysis using a buffer solution as the mobile
phase, clear the flow line with distilled or HPLC-grade water to prevent blockages in the
flow line caused by crystals formed due to dehydration of the buffer solution.
For safe use of the system, be sure to rinse the flow line after analysis finishes.
Flow line rinsing after analysis uses the autopurge function in the same way as before analysis. After that, perform
rinsing of the entire flow line through pumping.
• After analysis, rinse the flow line using one of the following solvents:
• For cases when water is used for the mobile phase for analysis, including reversed phases and ion exchanges:
Rinse the entire flow line with HPLC-grade water, and then rinse with methanol.
• For cases when water is not used for the mobile phase for analysis, including non- aqueous normal phases:
Rinse the entire flow line with isopropanol.
Turn Off the System
CAUTION: Potential Data Loss. Do not operate the main power switch. Operating the main
power switch during analysis or operation might cause corruption of the settings data or
failure when saving the settings data.
CAUTION: Potential Data Loss. Do not press and hold the power button for four or more
seconds as this forces the module to turn off. Forcing the module to turn off might cause
corruption or failure to save the settings data.
Use this procedure in an emergency, or if any issue is detected, such as a burning smell.
After an emergency, such as a power outage or equipment failure, always inspect the system thoroughly
before turning it on.
1. Press the power button.
Hardware User Guide
100 System
102 / 219
Operating Instructions