+2.00°C 135.00°C
7. Press the STOP button and allow the Statim to vent. When venting is complete press the
STOP button again and remove the jumper from W l . The display should say SELECT A
CYCLE. The steam generator (boiler) calibration is complete.
Selecting the Operating Language
The messages displayed on the LCD can be changed to a language of preference.
To change the current language selection, press and hold the WRAPPED button
on the front of the Statim. At the same time, turn the main power switch, in the
rear of the Statim, on.
Press the WRAPPED button again to scroll to the next language.
Press the UNWRAPPED button to scroll to the previous language.
When the desired language is displayed, press the STOP button to save the
selection and return to the regular operating mode.
Setting Time and Date on Statim with Printer
The time and date feature is available with the optional printer only. To set the time and
date follow these steps and watch the blinking cursor on the LCD.
1. Turn the main power switch off.
2. Press and hold the UNWRAPPED button on the front of the Statim. At the same time.
turn on the main power switch at the back of the Statim.
http://www.sterilizers.com/statim-trouble-shooting-manual.html (18 of 26) [3/27/2004 9:23:44 PM]