the front left corner of the Statim 5000 Upward, and reinsert the tube into the clip.
Push the excess length of tubing back from where it came
Changing the Cassette Seal
The cassette seal will last approximately 500 to 800 cycles. There should never be steam leaking
from the front of the Statim or water dripping from under the Statim. To change the seal follow
these directions:
1. Place the cassette lid and the new seal on a clean work surface.
2. Examine the position of the old seal in the cassette lid and arrange the new seal in the
same orientation.
3. Remove the old seal with a small screwdriver, sliding it behind the corner of the seal and
pulling the seal from the channel. Clean any residue from the seal channel.
4. Excessively lubricate the new seal using liquid hand soap (provided with new seal).
5. Align the holes in the new seal with the holes in the lid.
6. Install the holes first, then install the four corners allowing the sides to hang out. Be sure
that two indicator squares are visible in each corner.
7. Starting in the middle of along side insert the rounded edge of the seal into the channel.
Work from the middle to one corner, then from the middle to the opposite corner. Install all
four sides the same way.
8. Check to see that the seal is fully inserted into the channel on all four sides. Check the
corners to see that two indicator squares are visible in each corner. Check the two holes to
be sure that they are centered in the cutouts.
9. If there is a small steam leak or water under the unit after installing the new seal try
another cycle. It may take time to seat the new seal. If the leak persists, remove the seal and
reinstall. If unit continues to leak after installing seal for the second time try a new cassette
lid or tray.
http://www.sterilizers.com/statim-trouble-shooting-manual.html (11 of 26) [3/27/2004 9:23:44 PM]