03.01/3-Finger Centric Gripper PZN-plus/en
Module opens or closes abruptly?
Possible cause
Corrective action
Insufficient grease in the mechanical guide
surfaces of the module
Clean module and relubricate
Compressed air hoses are blocked
Check the compressed air hoses for pinching
or defects
Bolting surface not sufficiently level
Check the levelness of the bolting surface
One-way flow control valves missing or set
Mount one-way flow control valves and set
Load to great
Check the permissible mass and length of
the top jaws
The gripping force drops?
Possible cause
Corrective action
Compressed air can escape
Check seals, if necessayy disassemble mod-
ule an replace seals
Too much grease in the mechanical motion
spaces of the module
Clean the module and relubricate it
Pressure drops below minimum.
Check the air supply.