Schindler 3100/3300/6300
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Copyright © 2017 INVENTIO AG
EN81 - 28: Remote Alarm on Passenger and Goods
Passenger Elevators
Emergency Rescue Service
Emergency Service [12051; 16.05.2005]
Terms and
For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 81-
1:1998 and EN 81-2:1998 and EN 1070:1998 apply.
Information issued by the rescue service destined for the alarm equipment in order to
inform it that the alarm has been taken into account.
Alarm Equipment
Part of the alarm system able to detect, identify and validate as true alarm and initiate a
2-way communication. The alarm equipment is part of the elevator.
End of Alarm
Information issued by the alarm system and destined for the rescue service in order to
inform it that the entrapment situation has ended.
Alarm Initiation
Device(s) intended for users trapped in the installation in order to call for external
Alarm System
Combination of alarm initiation device(s) and alarm equipment(s).
Human Response
Response performed directly by a person of the rescue service via the alarm system.
Equipment outside of the elevator (e.g. at the rescue service) capable of handling alarm
information and 2-way communication.
Rescue Service
Organization in charge of receiving alarms information and rescuing users trapped in the
Part of a 2-way communication between the alarm system and the reception equipment.
The emergency rescues service must be available for contact at all times and its
personnel have been appropriately trained so as to be able to take competent action.
The functioning of the communication facility with the emergency rescues service must
be guaranteed during the entire lifetime of the installation. A competent person must