Schindler 3100/3300/6300
J 43402603 / 01
Copyright © 2017 INVENTIO AG
During the announcement time, pushing the UP button (on the penthouse's LOP)
initiates a direct travel to the concerned floor and the acoustic announcement is shut
OFF (the visual signalization is ON until the car arrives to the visitor floor).
During any fire fighter service, the COP can be used as if without visitor control.
The DOWN button serves as normal landing call.
Visitors control is limited to simplex elevators with the landing buttons or basic pick
up control algorithm.
An intercom system, video camera or similar is needed to allow the identification of
the visitor by the penthouse's occupant.
To grant access to the occupant to his apartment, this service has to be combined
with one of the following services:
Key switch on COP
Personal Access System (Schindler card)
The scope of this system is to authorize the access to restricted areas in a sure and
simple way, or to select a floor without pushing any button.
Each passenger using this function shall have a transponder (Schindler or customer
card) with its own identification code.
When the transponder is put near the COP, an identification code is transmitted to
the COP. The corresponding car call is registered, or, if several car calls are
possible, the passenger is asked to select one of them (see sequence below).
If several car calls are assigned to the identification code, and the passenger select
a car call not included in its assignment list, the car call is treated as a normal car
If the floor is not protected, the car call is registered
If the floor is protected by a PIN code, the PIN code is requested ("CO",...)
If the floor is protected, the car call is not registered.
The car call is treated as a normal car call, even in case the floor is protected
(overrides the lock).
When a car call is not accepted, the acknowledge display give the following
message: 3 x blinking "- -" + beep.
Emergency power operation
After the automatic evacuation to the nearest floor in case of power failure is done,
one or more elevators are released for public use.
Building Management Interface
The building Management Interface provides external information of the status of the
elevator via dry contacts or via lobby vision PC. The interface allows external
operation of emergency power controls by the building management.
EN81-70 "Accessibility to elevators for persons with disability"
Possibility to fulfill EN81-70 rule.
Door lock monitoring (PUBEL)
Each landing door on the floor landing shall be equipped with an electrical safety
device which shall control door closure.
Distribution of free cars
During periods with little traffic, free cars (empty cars with no calls registered) are
distributed over the building to preset floor zones improving response times.
Selective door opening
To independently control the entrance or prevention of a through opening
respectively in case of elevators with two car entrances.
Earthquake control
In case the "seismic switch of the building is activated all elevators of the group stop
at the next possible landing. The affected elevator(s) are blocked persistent and
open the doors for a pre configured time.
Sabbath control
During Sabbath it is not permitted a passenger operates an electrically powered
device (e.g., push buttons, contacts, photocells) directly or indirectly. An elevator
under Sabbath operation travels automatically and continuously up and down the
building to a predefined floors without any activation of the normal user interfaces
(call buttons). It stops at predefined landings on each travel direction, opens and
closes automatically the doors and continues the trip to the next predefined landing.