- 7 -
Assemble the beater.
Parts: Beater sides, beater top, beater race, 4 – 1/4" x
2" machine screws, 2 – 1/4" barrel nuts, 2 – #8 x 1-1/2"
machine screws, 2 – 1/4 x 2-1/2" carriage bolts, 2 – 1/4"
washers, 2 – 1/4" wing nuts, 2 – 3/16" washers, 2 – 1/4"
slim lock nuts.
Attach the black nylon beater stop to the outer side of each
beater upright using 1/4-20 x 2" bolts, 3/16" washers and
1/4" slim lock nuts as indicated in figure 9.
Attach the beater side to the beater race by inserting a bar-
rel nut into the hole on the bottom of the beater race and
secure with a 1/4" x 2" machine screw through the rear
hole in the beater side. Insert a #8 x 1-1/2" screw through
the front hole of the beater side and screw into the pilot
hole in the beater race.
Repeat to assemble the other beater side.
Attach the beater top to the sides. On each end of the beat-
er top, put a 1/4" x 2-1/2" carriage bolt through the beater
top from the back. If you wish, you can put the reed in the
beater at this point. Set the beater top down on the sides,
turning the carriage bolts to fit the square part of the bolts
into the slots on the beater sides. Secure with washers and
wing nuts.
Figure 10 - iNSTALL THe BeATer ASSeMBLY
bolt and lock
lock nut
metal part of
beater side
Install the beater assembly.
Parts: Beater assembly, 2 – 5/16" slim lock nuts.
With the beater race facing the front of the loom, place the
metal ends of the beater sides onto the bolts pre-installed
on the inside legs. Secure the beater with a slim lock nut
on each bolt. Tighten the lock nuts all the way, then loosen
1/2 to a full turn to allow the beater to move freely.
Figure 9 - ASSeMBLe THe BeATer
1/4" x 2-1/2" carriage bolt
1/4-20 x 2" bolt
beater stop
1/4" wing nut
1/4" washer
1/4" slim
x 2
machine screw
#8 x 1-1/2
barrel nut
beater top
left beater side
beater race
slot for carriage bolt