- 12 -
Install the beater pin.
Parts: Beater pin with chain, beater pin holder, 1 – #6 x
1/2" screw.
Put the screw through the hole in the end of the beater pin
chain, the hole in the beater pin holder, and the small pilot
hole in the right leg. The beater pin is used to hold the
beater upright during warping. Push the pin through the
hole between the pilot hole and the screw holding the fold
support bar and then through the slot in the beater side.
Be sure to pull out the beater pin and replace it in its hold-
er before weaving and before folding the loom.
Install tie-up cords
There is one tie-up cord for every hole in the lamm. The 2
outer holes have metal spring pins inserted in them.
Thread the loop end of each tie-up cord through a hole in
the lamm and pull the button end through the loop until
the cord is secure against the lamm. Attach the shafts
to the treadle by slipping a tie-up cord into the slot in the
treadle. Work from the front lamm to the rear lamm for
each treadle.
There are 2 treadle styles on the 8.10. To attach tie-up
cords to the outer treadles, remove the thumb nut and
back the long bolt out of the first eye screw securing it to
the treadle, loop the end of the tie-up cord over the bolt,
slide back through the eye screw and close by re-attaching
the thumb nut.
After completing your tie-up, check each treadle by push-
ing it all the way to the floor and releasing it, making sure
that the knob of each tie-up cord is against the treadle and
that each cord hangs straight down.
inner treadles
outer treadles
Figure 24 - iNSTALL THe Tie-uP COrDS
Figure 23 - iNSTALL THe BeATer PiN
inside leg
pin holder
1/2" screw
NOTE: There is a 1/2” diameter depression on the underside
of each inner treadle to prevent the tie-ups from slipping
off when the loom is folded.
The tie-ups should not be left in this
hole when weaving, they should hang straight down from the lamm
to the treadle.
Figure 26 - iNSTALL THe TreADLe TrACKer
Install the treadle tracker
With the clip on the treadle tracker facing the front of the
loom, insert the treadle tracker into the slot in the top of
the rear castle cross brace.