- 10 -
Install the brake barrel nut.
Parts: 1 – 1/4" x 1" machine screw, 1 – long brake barrel
From the outside of the inside right leg, push the screw
through the leg, and tighten into the brake barrel nut.
inside right leg
(outside view)
brake barrel nut
1" screw
inside right leg
(inside view)
Figure 17 - iNSerT SHAFTS iNTO THe CASTLe
Install the brake bar and brake cable.
Parts: 2 – 1/4" washers, 1 – slim 5/16" lock nut, brake bar
and cable assembly.
Remove any packing material attached to the bolt
pre-installed on the inside right leg.
Put the brake bar then a 1/4" washer on the bolt. Take the
loose end of the brake cable attached to the brake bar and
wrap it under and around the brake drum. Start next to the
loom leg and wrap with loops moving towards the loom
center, making sure not to overlap the cable. Place the loop
end of the cable over the pre-installed bolt. Secure with
another 1/4" washer and a slim 5/16" lock nut. Be sure that
the brake bar can pivot freely. If it does not, slightly loosen
the lock nut.
pre-installed bolt with
packing material
brake bar on
pre-installed bolt
brake drum
brake cable
(hanging loose)
brake bar,
loop end of brake cable,
slim 5/16
lock nut
on pre-installed bolt
Figure 18 - iNSTALL THe WArP BeAM
Install the warp beam.
Parts: Warp beam, 2 – 3/8" USS washers.
Take the warp beam and place a 3/8" USS washer on each
end. Slip the threaded rod through the hole in the inside
right leg as far as it will go. Fit the pin in the other end into
the stopped hole in the inside leg - this hole does not go all
the way through the leg. You will have to spread the right
and left inside legs apart to accomplish this.
threaded pin
through hole
in leg
short pin into
stopped hole
in leg
Figure 16 - iNSTALL THe uPPer reAr CASTLe CrOSS BrACe