Sawn Craft Zero 32 Manual
3.3 Control Throws & Expo
By altering the amount of control throw the surfaces have you can fine-tune the handling and
performance. Below are the recommended settings as tested that will provide a successful flying
experience. Throws are measured at the point farthest from the hinge. After a few familiarization
flights, modify to suit your personal taste.
Control Surface
Low Rate Throw
Low Rate Expo
High Rate Throw
High Rate Expo
3/4in / 19mm (50%)
1.25in / 32mm (100%)
1/2in / 13mm (50%)
3/4in / 19mm (100%)
1in / 50mm (50%)
1.5in / 38mm (100%)
3.4 Launching/Take-Off
Launching this aircraft is very simple and is easy to do. Simply hold the airplane by the vertical fuselage
in one hand with your radio in the other. Advance the throttle to full and gently push the aircraft
forward, releasing it with wings level and a slightly up attitude. Since this model has landing gear, rise
off ground take-offs are possible on smooth surfaces. Advance the throttle and allow the model to gain
enough speed to fly before trying to use the elevator to pitch up as premature elevator application may
push the tail skid down onto the ground, preventing take-off.
3.5 Flying Tips
This aircraft is designed to fly in the space as small as a single basketball court. Being so light weight, it
is recommended that this aircraft be flown indoors or outdoors in light wind conditions. Always ensure
that you are comfortable with the aircraft and its flight characteristics prior to flying in a small venue.
Never fly over people or animals.
This aircraft flies much “bigger” than it really is and the techniques of flying larger aircraft apply. Since
this is a model with zero dihedral, you will need to apply rudder in order to make coordinated turns.
This model can fly slowly in high alpha flight, but when you drop the nose it is remarkably quick and
nimble. With its generous control surfaces, the model is capable of many 3D flight maneuvers. Landing
the aircraft is simple; keep some throttle applied and as the plane nears the ground, pull back on the
elevator to flare.