Sawn Craft Zero 32 Manual
BUILDER'S TIP: Bend T-pins into Z-bend shape in order to use them to hold components and other
large areas securely.
If your rudder and elevator servos fit in the pre-cut slots, great! If they are larger, carefully trim
away a little foam with a sharp hobby knife. We want a snug fit of the rear servos in their foam slots,
to minimize the amount of glue needed to secure them in place. Add the glue and fix the servos
into their slots.
Pull the servo cable with the extension cable toward the front of the aircraft and bring them out
through the holes provided near the receiver location. Apply just a tiny bit of glue to the flat side of
the servo that rests against the vertical component of the fuselage, to fix it in place.
You can attach the elevator and rudder control rods now. Trim any excess control wire.
Mount the motor to the plywood motor mount provided in the kit. We find the mounting screws
shipped with the servos ideal for this. Locate the wire bundle at one of the corners of the motor
mount. If the motor shaft protrudes from the rear of the motor case, make sure spinning parts not
touch the plywood motor mount or foam spacers, as this would cause drag and reduce motor