SAUTER flexotron®400 - RDT410
Menus X.4
Here you set the P-band (Proportional band). The P-band is the control offset
necessary to drive an output signal from 0 to 100%. In configurations involving
two outputs the same P-band applies to both outputs.
In controlmode 3, Cascade control this setting will set the P-band for the supply
air controller. The P-band for the room controller is set by the cascade factor, see
menu X.6 below.
Menus X.5
Here you set the Integration time (Reset time). Menu X.5 is not shown if 3-point
control has been selected in menu X.1.
Menus X.6
Damper minimum position (Control modes 1, 2 and 3)
P-band room temperature influence (control mode 3)
0°C temperature boost (Control mode 4)
D-factor (control mode 5)
Damper minimum position
If you in menu X.2 have configured output AO2 to be a damper, alternative 6 or
7, you can set a minimum value to the damper signal. The damper output will
then not go lower than the set value during normal operation. On shut-down
however the signal will go to zero and fully close the damper.
P-band room temperature influence
For control mode 3 there is a second 3.6 menu page where you set the room
temperature influence P-band PCd. In cascade control an offset in room/extract
air temperature will displace the supply air controller’s setpoint so as to eliminate
the offset. PCd sets the amplification on the corrective signal from the room
Definition of P-band the room temperature influence (PCd): The change in room
temperature which results in a change in the supply air setpoint, corresponding to
the difference in temperature between the set maximum and minimum limits.