SAUTER flexotron®400 - RDT410
Control modes
For control mode 3, “Cascade connected room / extract air temperature control”
you also need 2 sensors, “Supply air sensor” on AI1 and “Room sensor”, which
are placed in the room or in the extract air on AI2.
The cascade controller has inputs for supply air sensors and room sensors. The
room temperature setpoint is set and the controller will adjust the supply air
setpoint until reaching the desired room temperature. The supply air setpoint is
minimum and maximum limited. The P-band and I-time values for the supply air
control are chosen so that a stable control is achieved. The P-band for the room
temperature influence is set on PCd. The I-time for the room temperature
influence is a fixed value of 600 seconds.
Definition of P-band the room temperature influence (PCd): The change in room
temperature which results in a change in the supply air setpoint, corresponding to
the difference in temperature between the set maximum and the minimum limits.
The analogue outputs can be configured to the following combinations:
1. Heating
2. Cooling
3. Heating
4. Heating
5. Cooling
6. Heating
7. Cooling
In alternative 4, Heating-Heating AO2 will be activated first on increasing heat
In alternative 5, Cooling-Cooling AO2 will be activated first on increasing cooling
In alternative 6, Heating-Damper, at temperatures above the setpoint the damper
on AO2 will be fully open. On increasing heating demand, the damper on AO2
will first close to the set minimum value before the heating output on AO1 starts
to increase.
In alternative 7, Cooling-Damper, at temperatures below the setpoint the damper
on AO2 will be fully open. On increasing cooling demand, the damper on AO2
will first close to the set minimum value before the cooling output on AO1 starts
to increase.
3-position control
Instead of an analogue output you can configure a single 3-position (increase /
decrease) output. You will then only have the following output choices:
DO1 is used for increase signal and DO2 for decrease. This option cannot be
combined with alarm output.
A single P control loop is used.
The RDT410F301 generates 24 V AC itself for control of 3-position actuators.
230 V actuators cannot be used without relays.