Authorization required
– if this option is enabled, the macro command will only be run after
user authorization by using a code. The code entered in the “Code” field will be ignored.
Disabled if armed
– if this option is enabled, the macro command will not be available, when
any of the partitions operated by the keypad is armed.
– if this option is enabled and the group contains just one macro command, the
macro command will run immediately on tapping the icon of macro command group (or the
status screen corner, if the M
option is enabled). If
the A
option is enabled, authorization with code will be necessary.
No confirmation messages
– if this option is enabled, no messages will appear to inform
you about execution of a command or an error after running a macro command (the
screen from which the macro command was run will still be displayed).
– the macro command icon. The list of available icons will be displayed after you click
button. If the S
option is enabled, select 2 icons for the macro
commands. One icon will be displayed when the output is inactive, and the other – when
the output is active.
State follow output
– if this option is enabled, the icon of macro command will change
depending on the status of output whose number should be selected in the field on the
right side. Select an output, the status of which depends on the actions taken by the
control panel after running the macro command. Thus it will be possible to inform the
user by means of macro command icons about, for example, the status of outputs
controlled by using macro commands or the status of partitions which are armed by
a macro command.
Show name
– if this option is enabled, the macro command name will be displayed on the
keypad below the icon.
Commands list
– commands assigned to the currently highlighted macro command. The
buttons allow you to change the order of commands (moving the selected
command up and down).
– click to add to the list a new command, selected in the “Command” field.
– click to save the changes to the command parameters which were made after
adding the command to the list (otherwise, the changes made will not be saved).
– click to remove the highlighted command from the list.
– the control panel executed function which can be assigned to the macro
command. The list of all available functions will be displayed after you click the
Depending on which function you choose:
– select the partitions which are to be armed (double-click on the field designated
by the partition number) and define the arming mode (next clicks on the field designated
by the partition number; the digit inside the field has the following meaning: 0 - fully
armed; 1 – fully armed+bypasses; 2 – armed without interior; 3 - armed without interior
and without entry delay).
– select the partitions which are to be disarmed (double-click on the field
designated by the partition number).
Alarm clearing
– select the partitions in which alarm is to be cleared (double-click on the
field designated by the partition number).
Bypass zones
– select the zones which are to be inhibited (double-click on the field
designated by the zone number).
Unbypass zones
– select the zones which are to be unbypassed (double-click on the field
designated by the zone number).