The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
P. (+1) 215.322.6063
F. (+1) 215.322.8498
The clock is not powering up. What should I do?
If you are using a power injector or PoE switch, confirm that the injector or switch is powered. If you can
confirm that the injector is powered, but the clock is still not powering up, confirm that the cable from the
master clock or network router has been inserted into the INPUT socket, and that the cable leading to the
SAP has been inserted into the OUTPUT socket.
The clock is powered, but not running. What should I do?
Detach the clock from the mounting and determine if the gearbox pin has been removed from the
movement. If the pin was not removed during installation, power down the clock, remove the pin, then
power up the clock again.
I cannot connect to the web interface. What should I do?
Use a cross-over cable to confirm that you are trying to access the correct IP address. If you were using
the correct IP address, reexamine your network firewall for settings that could prevent you from
accessing the clock.
The clock is not showing the right time. What should I do?
Attempt the following corrections in numerical order until the clock properly synchronizes:
1. Confirm that the clock is on the network by finding it with your IP monitor.
2. Confirm that the clock is able to communicate over your network. Be mindful of passwords and
firewalls, and be sure that Port 123 is open if you are getting NTP time via the Internet.
3. On the web interface, click on the tab ‘Clock Status’ and press the ‘Resync NTP Now’ button.
4. On the web interface, click on the tab ‘Clock Settings’ and review the text box labeled “GMT Offset”.
Confirm that the number matches your time zone. If it does not, revise the number, press submit, and
then press the “Resync NTP Now” button on the ‘Clock Status’ page.
5. On the web interface, click on the tab ‘Network Servers’, confirm that the ‘Rotate Servers’ box is
selected, then press submit. Return to the ‘Clock Status’ page and press the “Resync NTP Now” button.
6. If the problem persists, contact technical support.