MU-201 GPS/GPRS Nano Tracker User Manual
Copyright © 2011 San Jose Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Erase the Logged Data
The device reports GPRMC data to the server/cell phone normally via GSM/GPRS mobile network.
When the GSM/GPRS is not in service or the GSM/GPRS signal strength is poor, the GPRMC data will not be able to report
to the server. They will be saved to flash memory as backup and back to the server when GSM/GPRS service is recovered.
User can use this command to erase the logged (historical) GPRMC data stored at the flash memory of the device.
Setup Format: #
Function Mode
Command: #username,0000,er*
SMS/ COTA Command
Start sign.
Default ID of the device.
If you have changed the user name, please use the updated one.
Default password.
If you have changed the password, please use the updated one.
Mode “er” defines the Data Erase mode.
End sign.
Table: Erase the Logged Data Format Description
Message Reply
Setup Succeeds
<OK>Logged data is erased, V3.793;56%
Emergency Mode
<FAIL>PANIC ON; Command not Allow!,V4.091;98%
Table: Erase the Logged Data Response Description