MU-201 GPS/GPRS Nano Tracker User Manual
Copyright © 2011 San Jose Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Set up Route for Data Transmission
This SMS command instructs the device decide to transmit GPS (GPRMC) positioning data to where in which protocol.
Please confirm the back-end server protocol type and corresponded URL or IP address (with port number if required)
before setup. There are 4 main protocols available for transmitting route setup:
1. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. An internet browser based server protocol that usually has a specified URL (Uniform
Resource Locator).
2. TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol. An OSI Transport layer protocol that has more complex frame structure, higher
reliability but slower processing speed than UDP/IP.
3. UDP/IP: User Datagram Protocol. An OSI Transport layer protocol that has faster processing than TCP/IP but does not
guarantee data delivery.
4. SMS: The DEVICE will send GPS data by SMS message format to Cellular phone.
User can choose the route to transmit the data by HTTP/TCP/UDP protocol individually or with SMS message as a backup
route. Please refer to the following table for the route setup.
Setup Format: #
Function Mode
0,2,4,6,7,8 or 9
Command: #username,0000,14,6*
SMS/ COTA Command
Start sign.
Default ID of the device.
If you have changed the user name, please use the updated one.
Default password.
If you have changed the password, please use the updated one.
Mode 14 defines Transmission Route mode.
HTTP/SMS. Send data to HTTP server. If the route is not available, send data by SMS
message instead.
2 HTTP only. Send data to HTTP server. No SMS backup route.
4 SMS only. Send data by SMS message to cell phone. No backup route.
TCP/SMS. Send data to TCP server. If the route is not available, send data by SMS
message instead.
7 TCP Only. Send data to TCP server. No SMS backup route.
UDP/SMS. Send data to UDP server. If the route is not available, send data by SMS
message instead.
9 UDP Only. Send data to UDP server. No SMS backup route.
End sign.
Table: Transmission Route Setup Format Description