Internal Use Only
In a single motion touch and slide the
Predictive text
slider to
the right to turn it on.
Tap the
Predictive text
field and configure any of the following
advanced options:
• Auto replacement
activate this feature to embale the ability to complete
or replace a word with the most likely match after tapping the spacebar
or punctuation mark.
• Personalized data
activate this feature to use the personal language
data that you have entered and selected to make your text entry
prediction results better. By enabling this feature you can choose from
the following personalization features:
• Learn from Gmail
: allows you to sign in to your existing Gmail account
from where your style and existing contact information is added to your
personal dictionary. Helps recognize familiar names.
• Learn from Facebook
allows you to log into your current Facebook
account and add used text to your personal dictionary.
• Learn from Twitter
allows you to sign into your existing Twitter account
and add used text to your personal dictionary.
• Learn from Messages
allows your device to learn your messaging style
by using your Messages information.
• Learn from Contacts
updates predictive style by learning your Contacts
• Clear personal data
removes all personalized data entered by the user.
to return to the previous screen.