More settings
: Configure other options.
Account name
: Enter a name to identify this email account.
Your name
: Enter your name to be displayed in lieu of the actual email address.
Always Cc/Bcc myself
: Choose options for sending a copy of emails you send
to yourself, as a copy (Cc) or blind copy (Bcc).
Show images
: Display embedded images in the body of an email.
Auto download attachments
: Automatically download email attachments when
you are connected to Wi-Fi. You might use this option to control how and
whether you use your plan’s data services to download attachments.
Auto resend times
: Set the number of attempts to resend an email after a
delivery failure.
Delete an Email Account
If you no longer want an email account on your phone, you can remove it.
1. Press
and touch
2. Touch
Account settings
, and then touch
3. Touch an account to mark it for deletion.
4. Touch
Text and Multimedia Messaging
With Text Messaging (SMS), you can send and receive text messages between your phone and
another phone that supports messaging.
Multimedia messages, (MMS), can contain text and pictures, recorded voice, audio or video
files, picture slideshows, contact namecards (vCard), or calendar events (vCalendar).
See your service plan for applicable charges for messaging.
Accounts and Messaging