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The Reference Channel Function:
On/Off: Slid the slider to enable the function.
Volt/DIV: Channel the resolution of the reference channel.
Reset: Double click the icon to reset the waveforms to the vertical center position on the screen.
Load: Load the reference waveform from the “.rfc” file from your computer.
Save: Save the current reference waveform to your computer as “rfc” format.
You can change the vertical scale of a waveform. The waveform display will contract or expand relative to the
reference level.
Click “Save Reference” to save the waveform to *.rfc file. The saved source window appears.
Selected the saved source, then click “Save” button to save reference.
Click “Load Reference” to load the “*.rfc” file that was selected. Then click “Load” button to load selected file. You
can tap
and drag the reference waveform up and dowm.
The Reference Waveform Display Window: