You must remove the anti-rotation bolt prior to taking the gear case off the rear roller shaft. There
is nothing else holding the gear case to the shaft except for this single bolt.
If the gear case is difficult to remove, then the key inside the gear case may have deformed due
to excessive torque. If this is the case, you can split the gear case housing to access the inside.
In some cases, a puller may be necessary to remove the drive gear. Once service is complete,
refill gearbox to fill level plug with a good quality 90W oil.
The shaft seal (part #70601350) is easily damaged by this procedure. Remove and replace with
Gear Case Service
Removing the Conveyor Gear Case
To separate the gear case
from the rear roller shaft,
remove the bolt from the
retaining bracket.
Salford BBI Inc.
Page 38
Endurance Operator Manual 2019 V1