Field Operations- Setting Rate- Manual Operation
Prior to the first use of the machine, the beginning of each spreading season, and following
any major repair or overhaul, you should field test your machine to verify that all systems and
components are functioning properly. You should execute field testing on any suitable course that
will allow the spreader to be driven at similar speeds used during spreading.
Initial Field Test
CALIBRATION- Manual Control (No Rate Controller)
To observe conveyor and spinners while the vehicle is in motion, you must
take proper safety precautions. These safety precautions may include
use of mirrors clamped to permit safe observation, following the spreader
in another vehicle at a safe distance, or other suitable means.
stand in the hopper or on any part of the spreader, as there is danger
of falling off the vehicle or into moving machinery. Use great care while
performing this test.
Determining Product Density of Bulk Organics / Bulk Materials
1. Fill a 5 U.S. Gallon Bucket with the Material
2. Multiply Weight x 1.5
3. This calculation will yield the approximate weight of one cubic foot of material
Always test and calibrate your spreader prior to operating in the field. Salford BBI, Inc. will
not be liable for misapplication due to an uncalibrated applicator.
With some limitations, you can achieve relatively accurate application rates using the manual
controls. You must maintain a constant ground speed, because no direct relation exists between
the conveyor speed and the ground speed. The speed of the conveyor chain will not vary with
ground speed unless you use an electronic rate controller. Therefore, if ground speed changes,
then the application rate also changes.
1. Determine Product Density
2. Move vertically up chart to find desired rate
3. Move left to locate gate setting
4. Adjust gate setting based on your swath (Increase or decrease gate based on your swath)
5. Set Rear Roller RPM (ground speed (MPH) x 2.5)
6. Run Calibration Load. Adjust Gate if Necessary
NOTE: A rate chart is recommended to be used only as a guide in the calibration process.
The operator is responsible for spreader calibration and confirmation of the actual amount
of material applied. Please use the instructions below and the chart on page 26 to begin
the calibration process.
When adjusting application rates, keep these principles in mind
• Bed chain speed increases = Rate Increases
• Gate height increases =
Rate Increases
• Swath width increases =
Rate Decreases
• Density increases =
Rate Increases
• Travel speed increases =
Rate Decreases
Salford BBI Inc.
Page 25
Endurance Operator Manual 2019 V1