Safety Instructions
SALFORD implements are exposed to many types of forces during
normal operation. Vibration and friction are two key items that contribute
to down-time, therefore it is very IMPORTANT to keep all nuts and bolts
tight and all other fasteners (hair pins, linch pins, cotter pins, roll pins etc.) in good
Maintenance Safety
When servicing your implement you may be severely injured or killed by
being crushed by the implement, always install transport lock pins and
install blocks underneath the frame to prevent from falling on the operator.
When replacing wear parts always wear protective gear to prevent serious
Because of the constant heavy loads, DAILY INSPECTION AND
LUBRICATION at specified intervals is necessary to maximize the life
of the implement. (see “Lubrication and Maintenance” section)
When changing a tire be extremely careful, use a
safety cage when inflating tires and never stand
in front of tire! Use a clip-on chuck and extension
hose, never exceed recommended tire pressure and
always use the correct tools and equipment.
Always install safety chain before transporting on hi-way.
Never exceed 12 mph (19 km/h)
Total gross weight of towed implement(s) not to exceed 1.5 times
tractor gross weight.
Do not travel at road speeds or over long distances with applicator
loaded, always exercise caution and safe operation.
Salford BBI Inc.
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Endurance Operator Manual 2019 V1