Total offset error (output referred)= (V
DC GAIN Verification
1) Measure the offset error following the previous instructions and save this data.
2) Set the voltage source to 2V, measure this voltage with the multimeter and adjust it as close
to 2V as possible (within 10mV max).
3) Connect the voltage source to the probe head with the BNC/SMB adapter.
4) Connect the output of the XFVP to the multimeter using the 50 Ohm terminator and the
BNC to jack adapter
5) Press the CAL button in the XFVP receiver.
6) After CAL is finished measure the output voltage of the probe.
To calculate the overall DC error, correct first for the error in the offset.
DC error (%) =
Bandwidth verification (optional)
Using a spectrum analyzer with tracking generator and at least 1GHz capability:
1. Set the output level of the tracking generator to -5dBm.
2. Set the horizontal sweep from 1MHz to 500MHz, log sweep.
3. Place a jump cable from output of tracking generator to input of spectrum analyzer.
4. Normalize the reading to obtain a flat 0dBm reading across the spectrum.
5. Connect the tracking generator to a T with a 50Ohm termination and a SMB cable that
connects the input of the XFVP probe.
6. Connect a 50Ohm termination to the output BNC cable in the receiver of the XFVP. Press
CAL. Calibration needs to be done with an external termination because most spectrum
analyzer have AC coupling.
7. Remove this external termination and connect the output of the XFVP probe to the input of
the spectrum analyzer. The average level should be about -20dBm (x10 attenuation). Find
the -23dBm frequency.
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Vo f fset
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BR-XFVP-Rev 6. 12/22