Update the firmware
Datei 8123AD010_11.doc
Datei gespeichert
08.03.04 17:31 von EDV/ORGA
Druckzeit 08.03.04,
Status Release
19 Update the firmware
The firmware of the TELSAT GPRS can be updated using a local connected PC
(connected to the USB or RS-232 port) or from remote.
The approach is just as if you want to configure the TELSAT GPRS by uploading the
edited configuration file
by FTP - see
15.3 Configuration by FTP (Local and
, page 84.
The configuration data call must be initiated from a station whose telephone
number is configured in the REMOTE_ACCESS Section of the parameter file
“para.ini” (see
Settings for the configuration access via SMS and FTP
, page 86)
The Firmware update is done via FTP (local or remote):
Upload the file „TS_GPRS.bin“ to the TELSAT GPRS.
Upload the file „!cmdfile“ to the TELSAT GPRS.
The file
is a text file (plain text) containing the following command:
After uploading the files the TELSAT GPRS will reboot.
This procedure may take several minutes.
You may check the completion of the download as follows:
Via FTP you can download the file „!cmdlog“. After successful completion of
the firmware update it has the following contents:
<< OK
Enter the command ATI at the PC interface of your terminal program when
you have a data connection to the TELSAT GPRS. The new version number
should be displayed.