Configuration – System – General 7
Configuration – System – General
General Information
You can configure the AC WLAN
and thus adapt it to your require-
ments over the web interface.
Alternatively, you can access it via
a patch cable, a permanent con-
nection, or the WLAN; although
in the latter case you will need to
enter the access data (see “Fac-
tory Settings” on page 7).
The network from which the
AC WLAN will be configured
must be in the address range because otherwise
access is impossible.
The AC WLAN is delivered with
default factory settings (see
“Factory Settings” on page 7) and
is ready for operation.
You should always change the
password (see below) and the
key in the interface configuration
of the WLAN network (see “Net-
work – WLAN Settings – Interface
Configuration – General Settings”
on page 7).
In addition, you should make
some changes to your network
and enter the gateway and the
DNS server of your router for Inter-
net access (see «Network –
IP Settings» on page 7).
If you do not want to make any
further changes, then please
continue reading in the “Network –
Diagnosis” section on page 7.
Configuration – System – General
System Settings
The system settings apply to all
operating modes and can be
changed in the „System“ menu.
System – General Settings
Enter an individual, unique name
in “Hostname” (factory setting:
“AC-WLAN”) so you will be able to
recognize the AC WLAN in your
network. The name must start with
a letter and may not contain any
space characters. Invalid input is
marked in red. Clicking on “Save
and Apply” saves the changes you
have made
You must perform a restart
after changing the host
To do this, click on
“Restart” and then on
“Execute Restart” in the
window that appears.
A restart takes about one
Licensing Information
Parts of the firmware of this device
are subject to the GNU general
public license.
This product includes third-party
software licensed under the terms
of the GNU General Public License.
You can modify or redistribute this
free software under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.
Availability of source code
We have made available the full
source code of the GPL licensed
software, including any scripts to
control the compilation and instal-
lation of the object code in the
driver section of this product on
our website. On request you can
get the software by mail.
After installation, the AC WLAN
can be accessed using the
If the blocking of pop-ups
is enabled in the browser,
then you must explicitly
permit access in the corre-
sponding dialog.
Enter the password (factory set-
ting: “admin”) and log in.
Password Setting
You open the password setting
of the AC WLAN via the “System/
Administration” menu.
Increase your access protection
by setting an individual password.
Clicking on the green arrow (D)
makes the password visible.
Confirm the password and save it
by clicking on “Save and Apply”.