Airflow-IQ Start-up & Commissioning Guide
Menu Structure of TDP05K
Refer to the TDP05K Advanced Thermal Dispersion Probe Airflow Measuring System Technical Bulletin
http://www.ruskin.com/catalog/servefile/id/6767 for detailed configuration instructions.
Main Display (Normal Operation)
Line 1 displays the average temperature and line 2 displays the average velocity or volume .
Menu Button Selections
Operator Menu
Supervisor Menu
TDP05K Operator Menu
The Operator Menu allows the user to view and change system parameters and variables .
Table 8: Operator Menu Options (Part 1 of 2)
Operator Menu Submenus Submenu Function
Submenu Selections
(Actual Display Name)
Enable Operator PIN
Enables PIN protection for the Operator Menu
(Enable Oper PIN)
Change Operator PIN
Allows the user to update the PIN
(Change Oper PIN)
Flow Configuration
Allows system variable configuration
Duct Shape
(Flow Config)
Duct Width
Duct Height
Duct Diameter
Duct Area
Site Elevation
Relative Humidity
Flow Units
Output Lockout
Display Configuration
Select parameters for displayed data
Display Filter
(Display Config)
Display Units
Display Flow Type
Line 2 Parameters
Line 2 Custom
Analog Output 1 Parameters
Select Analog Output 1 parameters (flow,
Analog Output 1 Parameters
(Output 1 Param)
temperature, or none)
Analog Output 2 Parameters
Select Analog Output 2 parameters (flow,
Analog Output 2 Parameters
(Output 2 Param)
temperature, or none)
Temperature Low Pass Filter
Selects amount of filtering applied to the analog
Temperature Low Pass Filter
(Temp LPF)
output for temperature
Flow Low Pass Filter
Selects amount of filtering applied to the analog
Flow Low Pass Filter
(Flow LPF)
output for flow
Analog Output Calibration
Spans the analog outputs for temperature and flow . Output 1 mA Offset
(Output Cal Menu)
Use the positive or negative offset if 4 mA output is Output 1MA Low Span
not as expected .
Output 1 mA High Span
Output 2 mA Offset
Output 2 mA Low Span
Output 2 mA High Span
Design Range Low
Design Range High
Temperature Range Low
Temperature Range High