Service and cleaning
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Service work
General guidelines for handling electronic components
Neglecting these recommendations will result in loss of warranty.
Working on vehicles fitted with electronic devices
Installation and measurement of electronic devices.
► Ensure power is switched off before working on electrical parts (except
when measuring).
► Switch off battery main switch (service switch) or disconnect bat-
Vehicles pick up electrostatic charge from the ground. If you are working
from the ground, first carry out a potential equalisation.
► Mount an earthing strap made of conductive rubber on the vehicle.
► Connect water filled or wet hose.
► Grip conductive vehicle frame parts before touching electrical equip-
If the technician and electronics are both on the vehicle, no special pre-
cautions are necessary.
Drilling, welding and milling work
If ACR-Welding work on chassis or superstructure is done:
Disconnect all plugs (connectors) from the electronics.
Ground point as close as possible to the welding point.
► Ensure that the electronics and the plug connector are corresponding-
ly protected against milling and drilling chips etc.
If welding on the vehicle:
► Disconnect the batteries
► Connect disconnected plus and minus cable to produce a conductive
electrical connection.
► Connect protective equipment.
► Always weld with direct current, in the process watch out for the polar-
ity of the electrodes.
► Earthing point as close as possible to welding point.
► Do not lay the cable of the welding device parallel to electrical lines on
the vehicle.
► Avoid voltage peaks.
► Ensure that the parts to be welded are well fixed to one another,
e.g. use earthing clip for fixing.