2.3.4. Retrieving auger
Used to recover cables left in the pipe by means of an extended, spe-
cially angled grappling arm. Not suitable for boring operations.
2.3.5. Serrated blade borer
Used to bore out greasy or heavily silted pipes. This tool is riveted to
the connector (not soldered or welded), so as to prevent any defor-
mation of the hardened spring steel blades.
2.3.6. Serrated cross-blade borer
Multi-purpose tool for obstructions of all kinds, including incrustations
(e.g. limescale deposits on the inside of the pipe). This tool is riveted
to the connector (not soldered or welded), so as to prevent any defor-
mation of the hardened spring steel blades.
2.3.7. Forked cutters
Size 16 with one blade as a forked cutter or two blades as a cross-
forked cutter, made of hardened spring steel and designed to remove
moderate to severe silting or persistent grease contamination. Size 22
and 32 with serrated, replaceable blade as a serrated forked cutter,
made of hardened spring steel and with multiple uses, e.g. to remove
silting or to reduce (break down) root infestation.
2.3.8. Root cutter
Tool with hardened, replaceable ring-type saw, cutting to the front and
rear. Specially designed for root infested pipes.
2.3.9. Chain flail
The most important tool of all for the removal of greasy deposits and
incrustations (e.g. limescale deposits on the inside of the pipe) as the
final drain cleaning operation. The version with smooth rings should be
used for breakable pipes made of e.g. plastic, while the version with
spiked links should be used for cast or concrete pipes.
3. Operation
3.1. Investigation of the obstruction
Position the machine 30–50 cm in front of the opening giving access to
the affected pipe.
Check to ensure that the guard (2) has been installed on the chuck
mount, together with the guide hose (1) for the cable. Install if ne-
The guide hose prevents the cable from twisting if the tool becomes
blocked, as well as cushioning its vibrations and collecting any dirt it may
have picked up.
Feed a length of cable (5) into the machine, with the grooved part of the
connector (8) leading, until approximately 50 cm projects from the ma-
chine. Never connect more than one length of cable at a time. Connect
the drain cleaning tool (6) to the free end of the cable, i.e. insert side-
ways into the T-groove of the cable connector until it locks home. Use
the straight auger as the first tool. Introduce the tool and cable into the
pipe. Switch on the machine with the switch (3) set to rotate clockwise
(switch position „1“). Draw the cable manually out of the machine and
feed it into the pipe until the cable develops a bend.
Caution: Wear a suitable glove!
With the other hand, press down hard on the carrying handle (4) until
the cable rotates. Spring force applied to the cable produces the ne-
cessary thrust. When the bend has straightened, pull the handle (4) up-
wards. The cable will immediately come to a standstill. Feed in the cable
manually again until a bend develops, then apply firm pressure to the
handle (4) until the bend straightens. Keep repeating this procedure.
Connect up further lengths of cable as necessary until it reaches the
obstruction and clears it. When it reaches the obstruction (resistance),
it is important to ensure that it is advanced with care (one centimetre at
a time). If it seizes, the handle must be pulled upwards immediately,
otherwise the cable may break.
However, if a tool has become blocked by an obstruction, it should be
freed by the repeated reversal of the direction of rotation of the machine,
i.e. anticklockwise (switch position „R“) and clockwise (switch position
„1“). Use the anticlockwise setting only for this process. All other ope-
rations including the recovery of the cable are carried out in the clock-
wise direction.
3.2. Recovering the cable
Recovery of the cable takes place in the clockwise direction. Withdraw
the rotating cable from the pipe until it develops a bend. Release the
pressure from the handle (4) and push the cable back into the machine.
Press down on the handle and withdraw more cable from the pipe until
it again develops a bend. Repeat this process until a length of cable has
been completely fed into the machine or guide hose and it can be dis-
connected from the following length of cable. Remove disconnected
lengths of cable from the machine and guide hose. Repeat this process
until the entire length of cable has been removed from the pipe.
3.3. Cleaning the pipe
From an examination of the contamination affecting the withdrawn straight
auger, it is generally possible to form conclusions as to the cause of the
obstruction and therefore to select a suitable tool (see 2.3) with which
the entire cross section of the pipe can then be completely cleaned.
3.4. Adapter drum with 8 mm cable (accessory)
Remove the chuck mount guard (2) and cable guide hose (1) and re-
place them with the adapter drum (Fig. 3 (10)) with the 8 mm diameter
cable. The adapter drum incorporates a collet for the 8 mm diameter
cable. The operating procedure with this cable is the same as that for
the 16, 22 and 32 mm diameter cables.
4. Maintenance
Pull the mains plug before maintenance work!
4.1. Maintenance
The ROLLER’S Metro is maintenance-free. The bearings of the drive
shaft run in a permanent grease filling and therefore require no lubrica-
tion. Clean pipe and drain cleaning cables after each use.
4.2. Inspection/Upkeep
Pull the mains plug before inspection/upkeep! This work may only be
performed by authorised experts or by trained personnel.
5. Wiring Diagram
see fig. 4.
6. Procedure in Case of Trouble
6.1. Fault
Cable is not rotating despite of pressed down pressure loading handle.
Tool got stuck at an obstruction (see 3.1.).
6.2. Fault
Cable left in the pipe.
Connector was not closed.
Broken cable.
7. Manufacturer’s Warranty
The warranty period shall be 12 months from delivery of the new product
to the first user but shall be a maximum of 24 months after delivery to the
Dealer. The date of delivery shall be documented by the submission of
the original purchase documents, which must include the date of purchase
and the designation of the product. All functional defects occurring within
the warranty period, which clearly the consequence of defects in produc-
tion or materials, will be remedied free of charge. The remedy of defects
shall not extend or renew the guarantee period for the product. Damage
attributable to natural wear and tear, incorrect treatment or misuse, failure
to observe the operational instructions, unsuitable operating materials,
excessive demand, use for unauthorized purposes, interventions by the
Customer or a third party or other reasons, for which ROLLER is not re-
sponsible, shall be excluded from the warranty.
Services under the warranty may only be provided by customer service
stations authorized for this purpose by ROLLER. Complaints will only be
accepted if the product is returned to a customer service station autho-
rized by ROLLER without prior interference in an unassembled condition.
Replaced products and parts shall become the property of ROLLER.
The user shall be responsible for the cost of shipping and returning the
The legal rights of users, in particular the right to claim damages from the
Dealer, shall not be affected. This manufacturer’s warranty shall apply only
to new products purchased in the European Union, in Norway or Swit-