K eep P erf orming Maintenance
Switch on the p ower once a month
Switch on the sub power once a month. When you turn on the power, the machine automatically performs
operations such as those to keep the print heads from drying out. Leaving the machine unused for a prolonged
period may damage the print heads, so be sure to switch on the power to perform these automatic operations.
P . 2 4 " P o w e r S u p p l y O p e r a t i o n s"
K eep at a constant temp erature and relative humidity
Even when the machine is not in use, keep it at a temperature of 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F) and a relative humidity
of 20 to 80% (with no condensation). Temperatures that are too high may degrade the ink and cause malfunc-
tion. Temperatures that are too low may cause the ink to freeze and damage the print heads.
Disp osing of Discharged Fluid
If you know that you will not use the machine for a prolonged period, empty the drain bottle.
When the main power is on, the machine periodically performs automatic maintenance in which fluid is
• Approximately 80 days after the drain bottle is emptied
• Approximately 2 weeks after the message "EMPTY DRAIN BOTTLE" is displayed
The drain bottle is filled when the above periods have elapsed. Leaving the drain bottle as-is will lead to the
discharged fluid overflowing.
P . 7 9 " W
h e n " E M P TY D RA I N B O TTL E " I s D i sp
l a ye
d "
hen Not in Use f or a P rolonged P eriod